Smithfield Winter Cup 2000

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          SMITHFIELD FLAMES                

Roller Hockey Club  

 anskater.gif (34099 bytes)THE HOTTEST HOCKEY IN TOWN!       Puck.gif (7401 bytes)                    
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See the tournaments page for upcomming events. Elementary Division will be having a pool party on July 23 at Smithfield.

Our program is organized in two levels. A recreation level for the child who is just starting to learn roller hockey and a select level for the youth that are already advanced with their skills. Our teams play in local tournaments and leagues all across Hampton Roads . The select youth level travel the east coast for tournaments in cities such as Vorhees NJ, Wilmington NC, Richmond VA, Myrtle Beach SC and Orlando FL. Our teams get two practices a week with great emphasis on teamwork, sportsmanship, and work ethics. Our program is committed to becoming the best and most respected hockey club in the state of Virginia!           

Program Highlights: 

- Instruction for all skill levels and ages by semi-pro instructors

- Two practices a week in Tidewater's finest roller rink

- Travel Tournaments and local competitions

- "Select" and "Recreational" leagues and competitions

- Club raised funds for travel expenses

- Plus the lowest priced program in Hampton Roads, $25.00 a month

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Smithfield Skate LTD

200 Wimbledon Lane, Smithfield VA 23430    (757) 357-0607